The automated link loss and accumulated dispersion compensation includes several steps:
Validation of initial configuration of WDM system; the script checks whether all channels
are routed and transceivers are selected, whether amplifiers and DCMs are required.
shows a Script Output window with messages generated by the script while the initial WDM system is being
Placement of amplifiers and DCMs on a link-by-link basis taking into account express
channels incoming from adjacent links. Power equalization is performed at this step if it
is required.
Evaluation of system performance, i.e., the validation of signal power, accumulated
chromatic dispersion, OSNR for each optical channel against system requirements and
equipment capability is done.
shows the result of the next step when the list of solutions with key metrics such
as receiver margins, cost of added equipment, number of added amplifiers and/or DCMs
is generated. One or several solutions can be selected at this step to get the
corresponding configurations of optical equipment in the LC design package.
Once solutions are selected, a new WDM system is created for each selected solution.
shows the results of the script-driven equipment placement process. In addition, it shows
a set of plots of system performance metrics as maps.
Further steps of system design workflow include the detailed
Performance Analysis and
Report Generation using the built-in
functionality of LC or customized reporting macro realized via API.