Link Engineering
Automated and manual design of optical networks including equipment allocation and configuration
WDM Network Design
Optical Link Configuration and Engineering
Fiber Optics
Develop new doped-fiber amplifier and laser technologies, optimize bidirectional multipump and hybrid doped-fiber/Raman solutions.
Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers
Transmission Systems
Evaluate novel component and subsystem designs in a systems context, investigate and optimize systems technologies.
Optical Networking
Modulation Formats
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
High-speed / High-capacity Systems
Optical Access Technologies
Photonic Circuits
Design, analyze and optimize Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC), including lasers and LEDs, active and passive PICs and systems modeling.
Passive Photonic Integrated Circuits
Hybrid Integrated Ciruits
Multisection Lasers and SOAs