
VPIphotonics Design Suite™ embeds expert knowledge from our component and transmission design tools in one shared, flexible software environment to support requirements in design, analysis and optimization providing you with the most powerful numerical algorithms tailored for your applications.

VPIphotonics Design Suite™


VPItransmissionMaker™ Optical Systems accelerates the design of new photonic systems and subsystems for short-range, access, metro and long-haul optical transmission systems. Further, it supports assessment of technology upgrade and component substitution strategies that are to be developed for existing fiber plants.

VPItransmissionMaker™ Optical Systems

VPIlabExpert™ provides great potential for reducing efforts in the lab by applying ready-to-use advanced functionalities and virtualizing lab equipment through emulation of optical and electrical components.



VPItoolkit™ DSP Library contains an extensive collection of lab-proven digital signal processing algorithms. It is available as a pluggable toolkit to VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems and VPIlabExpert. The VPItoolkit DSP Library supports a wide range of modulation formats such as (DP) BPSK, (DP) QPSK, PS QPSK, (DP) 16QAM, 4D set partitioning.

VPItoolkit™ DSP Library

VPItoolkit™ ML Framework is a versatile add-on to any of the simulation tools of VPIphotonics Design Suite, enabling the implementation and design of deep neural networks (DNN) for various applications, such as equalization and nonlinearity mitigation for optical systems, device characterization, evaluation and inverse design of photonic devices.

VPItoolkit™ ML Framework

VPItoolkit™ QKD is an add-on to VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems providing module libraries for system-level simulations of discrete variable (DV) and continuous variable (CV) quantum key distribution (QKD) scenarios. It contains modules for QKD transmitters and receivers, parameter estimation, and secret key rate calculation.

VPItoolkit™ QKD