List of common functionalities available in the VPIphotonics Design Suite™ software environment
Heterogeneous modeling approach with four embedded simulation domains
Flexible multiple signal representation with uni- and bidirectional signal flow
Various sources of optical and electrical signals, including modulated ones
Multitude of tools for advanced signal processing for optical and electrical signals; integer, float, and complex numbers; arrays, and matrices
Support of high-order functions for mapping and chaining an arbitrary number of modules with instance-dependent module parameters. This is useful for easy designing devices like AWGs with hundreds of arrayed waveguides or multi-ring optical filters with a user-defined number of rings
Over 130 demonstrations of VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits capabilities
Accurate analytical models for standard passive photonic devices: straight and bent waveguides, reflective waveguide junction and crossing, Y-branch, X-coupler, MMI, star coupler, ring resonator and ring coupler, waveguide Bragg grating that supports arbitrary user-defined apodization and chirp as well as sampled and nonreciprocal grating profiles
Arbitrary frequency-dependent effective mode indices and attenuations can be specified independently for TE- and TM-like modes in all analytical device models
Fast and memory-efficient implementation of the cascaded scattering matrix (S-matrix) approach for frequency-domain modeling of passive photonic circuits that consist of any built-in, measured, cosimulated or compound passive devices. This enables modeling photonic integrated circuits with thousands of components
Fast automatic on-the-fly design of accurate FIR filters for time domain modeling of individual devices as well as any passive subcircuits
Loading/saving S-matrices for individual devices as well as for any passive subcircuits. This feature allows, in particular, to accurately model real measured devices
Python cosimulation for easy adding passive photonic devices with arbitrary user-defined S-matrices. This also allows to create on-the-fly integration with external mode solvers and wave propagators or to add foundry design kits
General-purpose passive and polarization optical components, analytical and measured optical filters, specialized physical optical filters, MUX/DEMUX, etc
An advanced Photonics TLM model that extends a well-established transmission-line laser model (TLLM) for designing multisection optoelectronic devices (lasers, SOAs, modulators, photodetectors) with support of MQW or Bulk active media, flexible electrical contacts allocations, adjustable gain and absorption shapes, carrier dynamics and chirp models, spontaneous emission models, arbitrary profile index and gain gratings (including nonreciprocal and sampled), reflective facets, Kerr, TPA, electro-refractive, electro-absorption, and many other effects
Models for LEDs, VCSELs, PIN and APD photodiodes, rate equation lasers, birefringent dynamically tunable waveguides and a wide range of other specialized optical modulators
Accurate (that is, adding no artificial delays) time-domain simulations of closely linked active and dispersive passive photonic devices with bidirectional ports
Support of hybrid time-and-frequency-domain approach for efficient modeling of large-scale and multiscale active photonic integrated circuits
A comprehensive and easily extensible library of linear electrical devices: resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, ideal toggle switches, linear OpAmps, ideal gyrators, independent and dependent current and voltage sources, etc
DC, AC, and transient analysis of any linear electric circuits
General-purpose electrical filters, functions, and DSP algorithms
Logic gates and test functions for rapid prototyping of digital circuits
Cosimulation with Keysight PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) for modeling advanced electronic, digital, RF, and microwave circuits