VPItoolkit PDK GPIC is a pluggable toolkit which extends VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits and demonstrates how VPIphotonics and Siemens EDA partner to provide their streamlined photonics design solution.
Siemens EDA's L-Edit Photonics is a full-featured
layout editor supporting manual layout of integrated photonic designs, while
S-Edit provides powerful environment for schematic capture
for IC and, with the current solution, PIC designs. VPIphotonics Design Suite integrated with these tools dramatically enhances both layout- and
schematic-driven flows.
Developed by the Siemens EDA team, the General Photonic Integrated Circuit (GPIC) Process Design Kit (PDK) serves as a starting point for developing custom Python-based components for any foundry of interest. The VPItoolkit PDK GPIC provides the corresponding library of building blocks (BBs) with the realistic simulation models and thus allows for prototyping ASPICs with physically reasonable functionality.
Automatic generation of full-fledged photonic circuit schematics from the circuit designs created in the L-Edit Photonics or S-Edit tools.
A framework is provided to store a reach set of test-bench schematics and seamlessly simulate photonic circuits designed with Tanner L-Edit Photonics in VPIphotonics Design Suite.
Easily extend collection of library BBs with tailor-made components.
Perform system-level assessment of photonic circuits with a versatile collection of advanced models of system components, including fiber and lasers, and instrumentation tools, such as TDECQ and BER meters.
And much more! Please refer to the list of common functionalities available in the VPIphotonics Design Suite software environment and VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits.
Mach-Zehnder Modulator
This is an example of how the layout created in L-Edit Photonics could be automatically converted to the schematic in VPIphotonics Design Suite
with subsequent system benchmarking.
L-Edit Photonics and VPI Design Suite
PAM-4 transmitter based on the dual-parallel MZM
The link between VPIphotonics Design Suite and TS-Edit provides the designers with an electronic/photonic design automation (EPDA) environment.
This allows for simulation and optimization of the integrated circuits comprising both electrical and photonic subcircuits.
S-Edit and VPI Design Suite
We provide detailed simulation tutorials for the application examples to help the users get started.