Design and optimize lasers and amplifiers based on doped and undoped fibers
Prototype power boosters, in-line amplifiers and preamplifiers in C-, L- and S-bands for telecommunications
Develop high-power large-mode-area cladding-pumped fiber lasers and amplifiers
Study and optimize diverse multistage, multiband and multipass amplifier designs
Perform gain flattening with gain equalization filters (GEF)
Suppress power transients by dynamic electrical or optical gain control schemes
Design co-doped waveguide amplifiers from waveguide dimensions upwards
Assess implementation options for Raman amplifiers and lasers
Investigate and optimize bidirectional Raman multipump configurations
Develop cascaded Raman amplifiers and lasers with higher-order pumping
Realize phase-sensitive and phase-insensitive parametric fiber amplifiers
Study implementation options for continuous-wave and Q-switched pulsed fiber lasers
Generate and propagate ultrashort pulses in nonlinear dispersive fibers
Study applications based on soliton effects
Investigate physical processes leading to supercontinuum generation
Perform optical signal processing based on nonlinear effects in fibers