VPIphotonics is offering training seminars on Photonic Design Automation for core and metro WDM systems, optical access networks, doped-fiber amplifiers and lasers as well as active devices and circuits. Experts in the field of photonic modeling lead guided tours, provide lectures on various application topics, and are available for questions and support during individual lab exercises. The seminar outline can be customized.
Graphical User Interface features
Overview of signal models and simulation techniques
Parameter sweeps and optimizations
Visualization and post-processing of simulation results
Scripted simulations and automated system design
From Optical Networks to Waveguides
– A Comprehensive Training Series
12 - 28 May 2025
10:30am - 5:30pm EDT
Optical coherent transmission systems
Direct modulation / direct detection transmission systems
Radio-over-Fiber and short-reach applications
Multilevel single- and multi-carrier modulation formats
Linear and Nonlinear fiber impairments (CD, SPM, XPM, FWM, SRS)
Polarization-dependent impairments (PMD, PDL, XPolM)
Performance estimation (SER, BER, Q, EVM, EOP, OSNR)
Passive photonic integrated circuits
Semiconductor lasers and other active photonic devices
Integrated photonic waveguides
Doped-fiber lasers and amplifiers
Hybrid (EDF/Raman) amplification and Raman pump optimization
Cosimulation (integration of third-party code)
Other interests? Just let us know!
Over 1000 researchers, engineers, lecturers and students have completed at least one of our training seminars and workshops.
For more information, contact: training@VPIphotonics.com
The two-to-five-day courses take place at a VPIphotonics-sponsored location or onsite at customers' premises. VPIphotonics also periodically offers online seminars. They will be announced on this page, so check back regularly for updates.