The OFC is the largest global conference and exhibition for optical communications and networking professionals. The program is comprehensive – from research to marketplace, from components to systems and networks and from technical sessions to the exhibition. OFC draws attendees from all corners of the globe to meet and greet, teach and learn, make connections and move the industry forward.
The five-day technical conference features peer reviewed presentations and invited speakers, the thought leaders in the industry
presenting the highlights of emerging technologies. Additional technical programming throughout the week includes special symposia,
special sessions, in-depth tutorials, workshops, panels and the thought-provoking rump session.
The show floor is buzzing with new product announcements and what's trending in the market. Hundreds of exhibitors keep you
current on all the latest products and innovative solutions.
Three theaters feature Market Watch, The Network Operator Summit, The Data Center Summit and other show floor programs cover
market trends, new technologies and insight into the future. Panels of experts from global brands and key industry organizations provide
high-level takes on the state of the industry, hot topics and perspectives on current and future challenges and solutions.
Photonic Devices and Fibers
Integrated Photonics & PDKs
Electro-Optical Co-design
DSP for PS & high-order QAM
Machine Learning Framework
Free-Space Optics Systems
VPIphotonics Design Suite™
Transmission Systems & Optical Components
VPItoolkit™ DSP Library
Pluggable Toolkit with Lab-proven DSP Algorithms
VPItoolkit™ QKD
Pluggable Toolkit for Quantum Key Distribution
Integrated Devices, Waveguides and Optical Fibers
New Software Version 2.5 - see the press release!
Cost-optimized Network Implementation
VPItoolkit™ ML Framework
Deep Neural Network Design and Implementation