VPIphotonics is offering two days of training in Berlin. These days will cover the simulation and design of high speed optical transmission systems.
The hands-on 2-days seminar is tailored for experienced users of
VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems who are interested in
the modeling and investigation of technologies for direct modulation / direct detection and
digital coherent transmission systems.
VPIphotonics modeling experts will lead attendees through guided software demos, provide lectures
on simulation methodologies and various application topics, and are available for questions and
support during lab exercises.
The workshop is intended for 8-10 attendees. VPIphotonics will provide course material, computers and software licenses for the duration of the training.
Design topics include:
Experimental demo supported by Tektronix:
Design topics include:
Experimental demo supported by Tektronix: