VPIphotonics at PIC International , 1-2 March in Brussels, Belgium

PIC International 2016

VPIphotonics is pleased to be a platinum sponsor and speaker at the photonics integrated circuit industry�s must attend Conference.
Visit our stand and hear us speak on 1st � 2nd March.

PIC International will provide timely, comprehensive coverage of every important sector within the photonics integrated circuits industry and is the must attend conference for all professionals involved within the integrated photonics industry.

Sales of PICs are soaring, with their deployment helping to boost the capacity of networks and data centres. To aid this industry, we are strengthening the relationships between the makers and the users of these integrated circuits by launching PIC International, a global conference dedicated to this industry.

Attendees at the inaugural PIC International conference will hear industry-leading insiders delivering more than 30 presentations spanning six sectors. This will equip the delegates at this two-day conference with an up-to-date overview of the status of the PIC industry, and provide them with many opportunities to meet other key players within this community.

PIC International will be co-located with the sixth Compound Semiconductor International Conference.

Contributions to PIC International 2016 Conference Program

From circuit-level to mask layout and back � design, analysis and optimization of large-scale PICs

presented by Andr� Richter

Abstract: We demonstrate the capabilities of modern tools supporting the design of complex circuits for integrated photonics and optoelectronics by means of various application scenarios. We show that an accurate and scalable design of large-scale PICs requires sophisticated simulation techniques, seamless integration of tools addressing the different stages of a PIC design and convenient means for automation.
During this presentation, we will address design tasks related to the comparison and optimization of alternative circuit architectures, detection of critical parameters of embedded building blocks, analysis of parameter tolerances, evaluation of system-level performance measures, and others.

Product Highlights

  • VPIcomponentMaker™ Photonic Circuits

    Design flow for elaborating modern and next generation Opto-Electronics & Photonic Integrated Circuits

    VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits is a simulation and design environment for photonic integrated circuits (PICs). It provides advanced device libraries integrated with a scalable time-and-frequency-domain simulation framework for fast and accurate modeling of large-scale PICs with a mix of photonic, electrical and optoelectronic devices.

    • Integrated Optics, Silicon and III-V Integrated Photonics: Microrings, Waveguides, Bragg gratings
    • Multisection/Tapered Optoelectronic Devices: SOAs, Lasers, Modulators, Switches, 2R/3R Regenerators, Photodetectors
    • Electric and Digital Circuits: Active filters, Laser drivers, Transmission lines, Digital logic circuits, ADC/DAC converters
    • Investigate photonic device/circuit impact in optical transmission systems with VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems

    VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits
  • VPImodeDesigner™

    Analysis and optimization of straight anisotropic and bent isotropic optical waveguides and related devices

    VPImodeDesigner supports the analysis and optimization of integrated photonic waveguides and related devices. It implements full vectorial and semi-vectorial finite-difference mode solvers with support of widely customizable non-uniform meshing and perfectly matched layer absorbing boundaries. Full integration with VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits allows translating waveguide cross-section definitions into model parameters of passive and active devices.

    • Facilitate advanced layout definitions and optimization tasks via powerful Python interface
    • Model straight waveguides made of dispersive anisotropic materials
    • Model bent waveguides made of dispersive isotropic/lossy materials
    • Verify cross-sections and analyze results using advanced visualization capabilities

  • VPItoolkit™ PDK HHI

    Circuits-level Support of Photonics Process Design Kits

    VPItoolkit PDK HHI is a pluggable toolkit to VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits. It supports MPWs at InP-foundry of Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) and contains libraries of HHI-specific passive, active and tunable circuit elements.

    • Prototyping integrated active and passive InP-based photonic integrated circuits with prerequisite functionality
    • Fabrication tolerance and yield analysis, Advanced libraries of standard modules & Support of PDAflow API
    • Optimization of the designed circuit using standard VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits instrumentation
    • Automated export of circuit to PhoeniX OptoDesigner for layout packaging and GDSII mask generation

    VPItoolkit PDK HHI

Live Demonstrations

  • Photonic Integrated Circuits in InP and Silicon

  • Optical Fiber-Based Devices: Lasers, Amplifiers, Signal Processing

  • Transmission Technologies for 100Gb, 400Gb and beyond

Additional information required on a particular subject? Interested in discussing specific topics? Arrange a meeting with a member of the VPI R&D team. Please indicate your name, company, the issue you want to discuss and your availability during the conference.