VPIphotonics teams up with Tel Aviv University and
University of L'Aquila to model nonlinear interference
noise (NLIN) using the Extended Gaussian Noise (EGN) model in VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems.
The "NLIN Wizard" functionality includes two link emulator modules supporting optical signals consisting of a single or multiple
WDM channels. The modules add white Gaussian noise (AWGN) to the input signal corresponding to ASE-noise and Kerr-induced nonlinear interference noise (NLIN)
[1] that would accumulate along a non-dispersion managed link of identical spans. The power spectral density of the NLIN is calculated according to the extended
Gaussian Noise (EGN) model [2] and depends on the link characteristics, modulation formats and WDM channel arrangement (number of channels, power of individual
channels). The channel arrangements can be either specified via the module parameters or extracted from the input WDM spectrum. Linear transmission effects
(CD, PMD) can be switched-on and off.
This new functionality has been implemented in collaboration with the groups of Prof. Mark Shtaif and Prof. Antonio Mecozzi.
For more details see http://nlinwizard.eng.tau.ac.il/#. Note that this free functionality
requires Matlab® and is time-limited until end of 2016.
[1] R. Dar, M. Feder, A. Mecozzi, M. Shtaif, "Properties of nonlinear noise in long, dispersion-uncompensated fiber links",
Optics Express 21, 25685 - 25699, 2013.
[2] A. Carena, G. Bosco, V. Curri, Y. Jiang, P. Poggiolini, F. Forghieri, "EGN model of non-linear fiber propagation",
Optics Express 22, 16335 - 16362, 2014.