VPIphotonics will attend ECOC 2016 as a sponsor and exhibitor. We would like to invite you to visit our team at booth 350, and learn more about our products and services. Furthermore, we welcome you at the get-together of the Berlin-Brandenburg Pavilion on 20 September 2016 at 3:30pm.
VPIphotonics provides software and services for planning, design and analysis. We support comprehensive application requirements
in all fields along the value chain:
New Version of DSP Library
Among the additional functionality developed by Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute for VPItoolkit DSP Library v2.5:
New PDK Toolkits
We cooperate with Luceda Photonics to develop means for automated export of photonic circuit designs from VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits to IPKISS.eda for layout design and mask generation.
We teamed up with LioniX to provide circuit-level libraries of building blocks supporting TriPleX™ technology with mask export via PhoeniX OptoDesigner.
Our modeling experts will provide a number of technical presentations on various design and analysis topics. Please find a short list below:
Do you require additional information on a particular subject? Are you interested in discussing specific topics?
Arrange a meeting with a member of our R&D team.
Please indicate your name, affiliation, the subject you want to discuss and your availability during the conference.