Demonstration Applications in VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits

With the VPIcomponentMaker™Photonic Circuits product modeling, design and optimization of heterogeneous photonic integrated circuits (PICs), linear electric circuits, and multisection optoelectronic devices can be carried out.
Designed optoelectronic devices cover applications such as widely tunable and mode-locked lasers, gain-clamped SOAs, electro-absorption modulators, wavelength converters and 2R/3R optical regenerators, etc.
Designed PICs cover applications such as coherent transmitters and receivers for advanced modulation formats, optical interconnects, recirculating optical buffers and reconfigurable delay lines, multi-ring filters and arrayed waveguide gratings, and practically any other monolithically integrated or hybrid PICs based on silicon (Si), indium phosphide (InP) or gallium arsenide (GaAs) substrates.

The displayed demonstration applications here are just a handpicked selection of over 800 distributed within the software.