A three-year research training position is open at VPIphotonics in Berlin, Germany as part of the European Training Network WON (Wideband Optical Networks, H2020-MSCA-ETN). The researcher will be trained by the members of the WON consortium, and is motivated to pursue a Ph.D. on a topic related to the efficient modelling of high-capacity wideband transmission systems.
»See here the detailed job description!
VPIphotonics announces new release of VPIlinkDesigner, a software tool for optical link engineering including equipment placement and configuration and a thorough system wide performance assessment.
VPIphotonics announces the release of VPIlinkConfigurator Version 4.2, a versatile software tool for optical link engineering including automatic equipment placement and configuration and a thorough system-wide performance assessment.
EU Quantum Flagship Project UNIQORN
advances the next generation of quantum communication systems
The multidisciplinary project UNIQORN
will develop under the participation of VPIphotonics quantum technology for the mass market. Quantum communication
systems, mostly found in research laboratories, will be
squeezed into small and reliable photonic integrated circuits.
By carefully laying out each element along the development chain
from fabrication to application, the Horizon 2020 project will not
only reduce size and cost, but will also bring improvements in
terms of robustness and reproducibility.
More details in our Press Release!
Open Training Course: Design of High Speed Transmission Systems
6 - 8 November, 2018 in Berlin, Germany
29 October - 9 November, 2018 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
JePPIX training 2018 is taking place at the end of October. The two weeks training on InP and SiN covers the theory and
practice of integrated photonic components and circuit design using the powerful JePPIX building blocks. Hands on training
with design tools are complemented with clean room and lab tours to develop insights into the technology.
The completed technical program, list of speakers and organizational details are available on
JePPIX website.
»Registration form is available here.
Early bird discount on registration fees is applied until the 30th of September.
VPIphotonics and CST partner for eSeminar on topic:
Design Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Photonic Integrated Circuits using Physical and Circuit-Level Simulations
This eSeminar focuses on two software packages, which combine advanced simulation of passive photonic, active optoelectronic and hybrid
photonic integrated circuits and systems with highly accurate full-wave 3D photonic and multiphysics simulation.
We will demonstrate how using VPIphotonics Design Suite™ and CST Studio Suite™ together enables engineers designing PICs to automate
combined circuit level and full wave simulation. This allows the study of the effect of small variations in the components on the overall
circuit, meaning that the engineer can increase yield and reliability by making the circuit resilient to such effects.
»eSeminar: 4 October, 2018 – 19:00 CEST (UTC +2), duration 60 min
For more details and to register click here!
23 - 27 September in Rome (Italy)
»Come and meet us at Booth 302!
Set up an appointment with one of our experts for a customized presentation.
5 - 8 September in Shenzhen (China)
»Come and meet us and our regional distributor "LUSTER LightTech Group" at Booth 1C21 in Hall 1!
VPIphotonics at Summer Conferences 2018
Our team will attend the following conferences and workshops this summer:
European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) ⇒ 30 May - 1 June, 2018 in Valencia (Spain)
European Summer School on PICs for Optical Interconnects ⇒ 25 - 29 June, 2018 in Thessaloniki (Greece)
Next Generation Optical Networking (NGON) ⇒ 26 - 28 June, 2018 in Nice (France)
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) ⇒ 1 - 5 July, 2018 in Bucharest (Romania)
OSA Advanced Photonics Congress ⇒ 2 - 5 July, 2018 in Zurich (Switzerland)
»Come and meet our experts there!
Set up an appointment with one of our experts for a customized presentation.
Open Training Course: Design of High Speed Transmission Systems
28 - 30 May, 2018 in Berlin, Germany
13 - 15 June, 2018 in Boston, MA
Open Training Course: Design of Optical Devices and Photonic Integrated Circuits
24 - 26 May, 2018 in Berlin, Germany
18 - 20 June, 2018 in Boston, MA
VPIphotonics at Spring Conferences 2018
Our team will attend and sponsor the following conferences this spring:
PIC International ⇒ 10 - 11 April, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium
OPIE ⇒ 25 - 27 April, 2018 in Pacifico Yokohama, Japan
»Come and meet our experts there!
Set up an appointment with one of our experts for a customized presentation.
International JePPIX training Beijing 2018
19 - 23 March, 2018 in Beijing, China
This five days JePPIX course offers in-depth insights into active and passive components design, design tools and best design practice. In addition, insights into hybrid technologies, packaging and prototyping are given by international experts. Hands-on activities are part of the course to enable designers to get started with their own designs. JePPIX software partners offer dedicated training sessions with their own software tools. This course is a compilation of selected materials from their annual intensive two week course.
Use this opportunity to participate in application presentations and hands-on training sessions guided by VPIphotonics design experts.
»For more details and to register click here!
VPIphotonics and CST partner for design automation of integrated photonic circuits
»Click here for the Press Release!
Mentor's Tanner EDA partners with VPIphotonics to speed silicon photonic innovation
»Click here for the Press Release!
VPIphotonics announces new version of its market-leading simulation and analysis environment for optical components and transmission systems. It will be on show at OFC 2018.
» Click here for more details! and the Press Release!
11 - 15 March in San Diego (California), USA
Sliceable multi-QAM format SDN-powered transponders and ROADMs Enabling Elastic Optical Networks
VPIphotonics participates in QAMeleon
– an EU project for the next generation photonics and electronics technology that will enable 128 Gbaud
optical data flow generation, reception and switching over SDN platform.
More details in our Press Release!
We are pleased to announce that VPIphotonics is nominated for the PIC Award 2018 in the category Advances in Photonics Integration. This award recognizes innovative approaches to new and
commercially important PIC technology platforms, PIC packing, and PIC design that result in having more features built into a chip and thus raising the bar to the next level.
»We would be very happy if you vote for us!
VPIphotonics at SPIE Photonics West 2018
27 January - 1 February, 2018 in San Francisco, USA